Friday, August 16, 2013

Back to the Basics

So I've been reading through the gospels.  And I have to say I really love it.  I usually never read those because the stories in them have been murdered for me by VBS.

But this year has been a cold one for me spiritually and I realized that I needed to so something different with my Bible reading.  I couldn't seem to make it through even my favorite books like Isaiah.  I would start a book only to get distracted and scatterbrained, it just wouldn't sink in, and so I would stop.  I knew my walk wasn't going to get better unless I read my Bible more, but I wasn't motivated to read my Bible until I felt stronger in my walk.  It was a viscous cycle.  When I was reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Tumnus said it was "always winter, never Christmas" and I thought "Hey, sounds like my life this year," that's when I knew I needed to change.  This summer I gave myself a little talk to get a grip and shape up.

I wanted something "easy" so I thought I'd go back to the basics, like Bible story basics. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and let me tell you it's worked wonders, it's almost like the Bible is a supernatural book or something.  I don't cry while reading the Bible, I just don't, it's not me, but I've come close now.

Peter betraying Jesus has taken on a new significance for me now, I can feel Peter's pain. The moment he looks up and meets Jesus' eye and the rooster crows, GAH, more feels than even anime can evoke from me.  

The woman at the well, yearning for love but not finding it anywhere, so relate able 

I could totally see myself as the woman who touched Jesus' garment, if I wanted to be healed I certainly wouldn't make a scene and approach the Lord openly, I, like her, would wait, melted into the crowd, slipping in just for an instant.

Mary Magdalene weeping at the empty tomb of Christ and suddenly realizing the stranger she was just talking to was her Savior.  

Every story filled with real people and real situations and real emotions stepping out in real faith in the face of uncertainty, unlike the felt pieces on a grass green board.  It's been relief for my worn out heart and energy to my weary mind.

It's been good to feel the summer again.    

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