Monday, August 12, 2013

Why Homegrown is Awesome

I love having a farm and trying to be self sufficient.  Sometimes it's annoying but when you taste the fruits of your labor, nothing beats it.  We don't garden, goats do this thing that's called grazing, but it really means they eat everything in sight.  Any poor little shoots are chowed down before they even had a chance, but I do have big pots of herbs on the deck that the goats don't get, most of the time.  We trade with other local farmers for what we don't produce our self. Our surplus of goats milk and cheese means we get raw honey, vegetables, and sometimes even meat from other homesteaders.  Here are some of the highlights of my farm fresh life.

Milk, cold, creamy, and foamy

Juicy peaches

Hot tea, steeped with your own herbs, sweetened with raw honey from your neighbor

That special one willow green egg per day (it's my favorite to soft boil for breakfast)

Skimmed cream, shook in jar to make pure white butter

The resulting buttermilk from said jar

Homemade goats cheese on hot homemade bread

Fresh herbs

Drying herbs in little bunches

Venison you've butchered yourself

Knowing where your food comes from

Figuring out what to do with vegetables you never use

Fresh picked wild berries

Planning your first chicken slaughter day

Not just shopping at, but selling at farmer's markets

This summer has really opened some doors for our farm and I'm excited for what the future will bring, but for now, I'm going to go water my herbs.    


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