Sunday, August 25, 2013

Things About Nerds

***Author's Note: I've had this post in my archive for a while now, waiting for a right time to post it, but I'm just finally going for it, closing eyes and hitting the publish button***

This is a post about nerds.  Now that I've lost half of my audience right there let me just say that I think I can safely say I am one.  What I can't say however is that I've been one since I was little, actually it's been a recent development only happening in the last several years.  The first memory I have of such things is being in the book store with my mom and seeing a book called "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".  The title was so foreign to my young brain and I asked my mom what it was.  She said it wasn't really a good book, and that she never liked it.  That settled that.

Yeah, so I kinda blame my parents for keeping me shielded from this fantastic world of fandoms, anime, Narnia, Middle Earth and beyond.  But I suppose they couldn't help it, they are the most non-geeky people I know and I guess I can overlook it in the grand scheme of them raising me and all.  Actually, it was Star Wars, introduced to me by my brother Shane (who's truly addicted to those movies, check out his blog here), that peaked my interest.  Then my friends forced me to watch the movie "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" shortly after it came out on DVD, they insisted I would LOVE it.  By the end of that week, I had read the entire series of books.  It's basically gone up hill from there.  More and more things were introduced to me by friends or acquaintances and next thing you know I'm forking over money to pay for a day of medieval fantasy at a Renaissance Faire.  Some one called me a nerd one day and I looked it up.  I fit the description.  And this is the first year I have mourned my inability to go to Comic-Con.  The end.

No seriously, being nerdy has nothing to do with Jesus or my relationship with Him, but it does effect me.  The thing I like about being a nerd is that, in that circle, it's completely acceptable, encouraged even, to be obsessed with the things you love with not a thought as to what people think of you.  It's a default setting of all or nothing.
If you like a show, you watch it and rewatch it, you read fanfiction on it, you look at pictures, and posters, and fanart online, you cosplay it, and talk about it a lot.  To me it's not that far of a jump.  Jesus is great, and it's more than a great story, you read the Bible and re-read it, you research your doctrines, read the resources, and you talk about Him, all, the, time.
The Father is my best thought by day or by night, thinking about Him is the most important thing I could think about. Of course, I certainly don't have it perfect prioritizing my passions, but at least I have passions.  

I just strive to be as much as a geek about Jesus, as I am about Star Wars.


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