Monday, July 15, 2013

It's Summer and I'm Blessed

I've mentioned before that having long distance friends is hard, and it is, but when you get to see any of those long distance friends, it's the best.  This week has been a blessing with Hannah coming to visit.  She's my sister's BFF, and I choose that acronym specifically because they have been best friends since they were like 3, and not the easy kind where you live next door and see each other every day.  Due to moves on both our families parts, they're lucky if they see each other once a year.  Watching them get back together after months of texting is beautiful to watch and of course Hannah is my friend too because it's basically been impossible for us not to be friends.  I took a lot of pictures this last week as us three girls take a break from life and use this precious time to it's fullest.  

We went shopping, not really my thing, but I was dragged along for comedic relief.
    See?  I take my job seriously  
                                              gosh those shades are hideous...
Hannah find canyland, seriously that girl loves sugar so much 
The sugar queens eating ring pops, gag, those things are gross
I'm pretty sure if you hang your heart anywhere but your rib cage, you die.  
I shall destroy the little drivers!!  
How DARE Target impose their values on ME?!  Seriously who do they think they are??

We went spur of the moment to our favorite park that has a beautiful stream.  They are such pretty girls, I love them both!  
Did I mention Hannah is a ballerina, like the legit kind?  She is prone to spontaneous body contortions when she sees grass 
Or benches
Ballerina?  Yes.  Gymnast?  
In the stream, it was really high due to lots of rain.  
I love the see-saw! 
Emily and I on the see-saw with Hannah doing a split in the middle, while we were moving, how this was smart, I have no idea.  

different park, different day, but same crazy stretching abilities.  
This doesn't look good.  
Ow. Metal. Bars. Ow.  
 The best and the worse thing ever!  So much fun, but Emily was evil and spun us way faster than you should ever go.  I seriously almost lost my lunch and was nauseous for 2 hours after.

I know it's been a lot of pictures, thanks for bearing with me.  This summer had been a great roller coaster so far, lots of high points and only a few lows with lots of twists and turns in between. I usually hate summer, heat, humidity, bugs, but that doesn't really seem to add up when I'm so focused on this adventure.  A lot is going on and some things still up in the air, but God has been giving me some tangible blessings and I'm very thankful.  


1 comment:

  1. "I'm pretty sure if you hang your heart anywhere but your rib cage, you die."

    Hahaha! :D And this is why we are friends.

    The pictures were great, thanks for sharing. :) I'm glad you've been having such a great summer! God is awesome like that.
