Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Independence Day is tomorrow.  I remember when the 4th was my favorite holiday.  Growing up in a historical location, everything involving that day was a huge deal.  Even from a young age I knew the 4th of July was a special day, our countries birthday and in my patriotic little heart I was content.  I didn't know how to explain it, but there was something so special and exciting about America.  Maybe it was the knowledge that Myles Standish was buried only a few yards away, or that the harbor I was looking at once had a ship in it that got this whole ball rolling.

As a young teenager I was very opinionated in politics.  At that time, the Pro-choice and the Gay Rights movements were growing in intensity and I was informed on every issue.  Fox News was my friend, World Magazine, my go to for national and international issues.  We needed to change the laws, because America was slipping and telling people it was illegal to sin would make it so people didn't sin....right?  The heart issues behind all the controversial behaviors never occurred to me.

Slowly through my teen years and now in my young adult years my interest in politics has waned much.  Not because I don't like it anymore, but because I'm not an American.  I'm a Christian, who lives in America.  I don't want to change the laws as much I want to change the hearts.  Anything else is just legalism.  I want to get the gospel out there so souls can be saved and then, maybe, America will be the nation it once was.  No protest, no party, no legislation is going to fix any of the problems, and I think we sometimes forget that.

We're so proud to be Americans that the eternal gets pushed to the sidelines as we join one movement or another.  Of course, I don't want babies to be killed, or my guns to be taken away, or to have to see two women necking in Starbucks, but standing outside a statehouse chanting and waving a sign doesn't seem like it's working.  Our government is a reflection of our people, WE put them there, we have no one to blame but ourselves.  So the people have to change, and what causes people to change?  Not laws, not bills, not even other people, only the power of the Holy Spirit can bring real, lasting change to a person's heart and life.

My goals in life are all God related, to grow in holiness, to be a useful tool, to trust Him more, to see the people I love get saved, to see people I don't love get saved.  America and it's jumbled messes don't even make it on my "care about it" radar anymore.  I stay informed, because that's jut smart, and whenever I get upset about things I just remember what I'm here for, I'm here to glorify God, and do whatever possible to show Him to people in my life.  Maybe if us Christian let go of our patriotism for a little bit and started focusing more on God, then we may find out how independent and free we really are.  

It's definitely worth a try, because beating our head up against the legislative wall sure doesn't seem to be showing that many results.

Happy Independence Day, and seriously go watch some fireworks while such things are still legal to enjoy.


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