Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's the Occasion?

Today I looked at my journal and saw that I'm almost done with it.  It's my leather bound one that I received at the beginning of J127, I figure I'll be done with it about a year since I first received it.  This is a moment of rejoicing, maybe not for some of you who are ferocious journalers, but for me, who has never gotten to the middle, much less finished a journal, this is great news.  

It has been a struggle not to use my journal as just a place to rant and put down all my negative thoughts, and I can't really say I completely succeeded in this fight as much as I would have liked too.  In the beginning it's more like a written punching bag, but I like to think I've gotten better at articulating what God has been teaching me/peaceful thoughts.  Anyways, in the spirit of the "Victoria's Almost Done With Her First Real Journal in Her Life" here is a post of what I've been listening too.  It really isn't related but, my music certainly does inspire me when I need to write.  

This song is so powerful.  I think it's supposed to be a love song and I'm not a huge fan of those, but it's really not.  Any relationship can fit into this, friends, siblings, parents, and romantic relationships, it's just a song about people and how we're messy and breakable.  "We are shape by the light we let through us" is probably my favorite line because glass is actually made with fire.  I can only see those glass blowing demos in my head while I listen.  We are shaped by the Lord, tried by fire, until we reflect His image.

Those are my top 3 right now, yes, I know, a little eclectic, but I can see the sword and rose through them.  Enjoy and try to make it through the week, not just surviving but living.  

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