Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Maybe I'm getting Older?

Maybe, just maybe.....I think part of my young at heart syndrome is that I still love the same things I loved when I was a child, cap guns, swings, epic pretend battles.  But that has changed, or at least one thing has. 
I went to the town fair on Saturday.  I go to the fair every year with my family, it's just one of those things I "have" to do because the summer doesn't seem complete without it.  I love the food, the rides, the smells, just the whole experience is so exciting.  This year I went, expecting that same joy that I always find at a good country fair.  I didn't find it.  Sniff.  I mean it was Ok, the food was too greasy and the rides nearly put put me to sleep, but I enjoyed watching the shows and browsing the craft tents.  So it wasn't a total loss and I did learn a few things like:

Cotton candy on a stick is now a health violationg.  Did you know that?  Now it has to be in little baggies.  How dull.

I think I live in the only area where there can be red necks and ghetto punks all in one crowd.  People watching.  Yes.....

Rides costing 3 tickets mean little kids rides, 4 tickets means mediocre, and 5 is thriller, I like none of the above.  Why can't there be some happy land between 4 and 5 that's exciting yet doesn't separate my white and red blood cells?

Bees like your fried dough as much as you do, and they'll fight you for it.

Little petting zoos with farm animals aren't fun anymore when you have your own personal one in your back yard, and the longer you linger with the fair animals the longer your own have to wait for their hay.

4-H people annoy me, Ok, I already knew that before the fair, but it was only reenforced on Saturday.

So, Duchess County Fair, it's been real and it's been fun, but I don't see myself heading off to cough up large sums of money to mingle with you again.  Not at least until I have my own little ones clambering for the Whirl-A-Twirl.      

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