Wednesday, August 22, 2012


This week, I quit my job at Agway.  I'll be there for two more weeks because that's the right thing to do and quite frankly I want to enjoy it there as long as I can.  I love Agway, I love the people there, I love the animals, I love my boss.

 Soooo, why am I leaving?  It's my bosses boss.  He's the one who makes the rules and dictated the schedule.  I'm going upstate to the Mission early September for the work weekend there and he wouldn't give me off.  I gave 2 months notice and the store boss was sure I'd get it off, I mean, there's no reason why I wouldn't.  So, after talking to the store boss I affirmed that I won't ever get any time off until I had been there for over a year.  That would mean no Mission and definitely no Honduras missions trip.  No Way!  I'm going anyways, for September and December whether I'm scheduled to work or not.  So, I gave my two weeks since I didn't want to leave the other employees high and dry in September when no Victoria shows up at work and people have to cover on short notice.  My two weeks end just in time for the work weekend.

Sniff.  I'll miss Agway, I felt like I had a little ministry there.  On top of that I'm really dreading being unemployed again.  The boredom, the lack of financial freedom (and unfortunately the false sense of purpose)....but I know I'm doing the right thing.  It's just God's way of preventing me from getting comfortable again.  I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do next.  Go job hunting again after I get back from upstate NY I guess.  If I had some sort of dream to chase after or some sort of career ambition I guess I'd do that now, but I gave all those to Jesus long ago and haven't seen hide nor hair of them since.  

So I see changes in the road ahead, how many and of what kind, I have no idea.  I'm just sittin tight, ready for my next mission order from the King.   

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, for setting your priorities in life, while you are young and live at home and can afford the luxury! Just realize that eventually unless you make missionary work your life or are unemployed in order to make a career of anything you will have to forgo other things you want in order to fulfill the requirements of your job, believe me this sucks horribly and I have yet to fully swallow this pill. Hopefully your faith and family will keep you occupied, I can relate to the hatred of unemployment the months after I got out of the military were very odd for me, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth - if you don't work at least you live at home and get food and shelter and have the free time to improve your faith and pursue whatever else you like :)
