Thursday, August 30, 2012

Just Chill

I'm making dinner (it needs to simmer for a while, thanks for worrying), my mom and Emily are fast asleep. I think Emily was going to fold her clothes from the dryer but I guess they seemed more appealing as a pillow.  I'm listening to the new Tenth Avenue North album.  It's run through a few times already since I started cooking.  It's a totally epic album, truly worthy of a pick apart on my epic blog in the near future.  Mom and dad are going out for date night tonight to Lowes I believe.  I'm just happy.  Maybe that's not the right word.  It's sounds so snappy pappy.  Maybe the right word is peaceful. Just sitting here, marveling in the gospel, making dinner for my sister and me, tapping my foot to the catchy tune of one of my favorite music artist's new songs.  There goes the stove timer.  Hope the battle is fairing well with all my readers.  The King reigns...and His Son.  So just chill.      


  1. Huh. I was not as impressed with that album. I reviewed it for another blog, and said it was good but not one I'll listen to over and over again. To each her own

  2. Wanna come to MY house and cook while I "fold laundry"? :o)
