Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Would I Be Brave?

Friday, I heard about the shooting in Colorado.  I read online about how a man, dressed to the nines in combat gear walked into a movie theater for the midnight showing of Dark Knight Rises with the full intent to shoot as many people as possible.  Men, women, and children died, many more were wounded.  My heart was broken for the people there.  I wished I was in the area to help.  I don't know how, I just wanted to do something.  I felt completely useless on this side of the US.  The only thing I could do was pray.  Not just a "God help the victims in Colorado" prayer, but real "struggling prayer" as Eric Ludy calls it.   

Now, after the initial shock, I'm left with questions in my mind.  "How many of the survivors have wounds physical and emotional that will never heal?"  "How many will be driven to God?"  "How many of the people who died moved from a living hell to an eternal one?" "What would I have done if I was there?  Try to take down the shooter?  Start shielding children?  Share the salvation of Jesus with the dieing?"  I would hope I would be brave, but what does that mean in that situation?  I can't help but think of the great man John Harper who died in the Titanic, swimming around to everyone preaching the gospel before he himself drowned. 

I hope I would be brave like that.  But I can't know for sure.  I can only have the love of Christ so imbedding into soul, that if anything like that should ever happen, no amount of fear and adrenaline could outweigh it. 


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