Monday, July 9, 2012

No Distractions

Get up, do chores, go on PC, go to work, cook eat clean up dinner, watch TV, go to bed, repeat.  That's why I've always loved adventure or a job with variety.  That's why I loved traveling with GOV, always moving, always something different.  Love it.  But now I don't have it and it's taken me a while to understand why God did that. 

No distractions. 

Just me and my sort of boring life, or not really, there's God.  It's His fullness and joy and peace that get's this girl to stop crusading around all over trying to take the world by storm.  There's a time for that, but not now, at least not for me.  Me and God are just having some personal time with no big plans and moving pieces to distract me from talking and listening to Him.  That would go under the Lessons of a Rose category in my book.  I sort of miss my swords, but Jesus will give them back to me in good time.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to say that I haven't heard from you in a while. I missed your posts. Thank you for sharing.
