Friday, June 22, 2012


It's here, the movie of the year, or maybe a close second to the Hobbit. 
Brave.  I saw it last night, or rather this morning at 12:01 am, in 3D.  Yeah, I loved it, I really did, but honestly it wasn't what I was expecting.  Let me explain. 
*there are no spoilers in this post, or at least, only veiled ones*  
Me, being the way I am, was sort of hoping for an epic showdown between Merida and the antagonist (the Bear) assuming that's why it was titled the way it was.  Merida is brave and goes on a quest to kill said bear, thus the title.  But the meaning of bravery is not really the obvious kind in this movie.  The character is certainly brave, so brave in fact, that she can say sorry, swallow her pride and right her wrong. 

But more about Merida, the real question is, did I finally find the Disney Princess for me?  Yes, I most certainly did.  She's feisty but caring, brave and strong, but far from a feminist.  She doesn't despise men or hate being a girl, she just doesn't want to get married yet.  She doesn't like all the finery and fluffiness of being a princess, she just wants to fire her bow, swing her sword and do unladylike things.  I can certainly relate. 

Oh, and one of the reasons I am so happy about this movie, is that (ahem, may be a small spoiler) she remains single in the end.  She doesn't need a prince to sweep her off her feet, she remains a whole person without a husband, and she's content.  Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about Disney, you finally got it right! 


  1. Glad you liked the movie! I may see it once it comes out on dvd :)

  2. Don't quite know what's wrong with the "time" on your posts, but I think it's a little off... it says you posted at 1:27 PM. Highly unlikely, seeing that it's only 10:38 a.m..
    That being said... glad you enjoyed the movie. I sent you a text this morning, but did not hear back from you. Glad I came to check out your blog. I am looking forward to seeing this movie, too! Thanks for the commentary on it. ;)
