Sunday, May 3, 2015

If You Want Something Done Right DIY

      We live in a western society where when you want something, you go to the store and buy it.  That's just how things are.  We work to have money to buy stuff.  Being as interested in the off grid community as I am, the whole point of that lifestyle is to cut off reliances with modern society, particularly, stores.  Call it paranoia, call it trust issues, but I think our dependence on stores is kind of scary.  As pround Americans I dare say most, with heads held high, reject any accusations of being dependent on anything.  Sorry first world countries, but most of us wouldn't know where food and essential supplies came from if we were smacked in the face with it,  We don't even know why we do the things the way we do them.  We just do.  And we never challenge, we never think outside the box.  

Of course at first, it's impossible to cut off all ties to our modern reliance all at once.  But you can start small.  I'm only doing the smidgen of DIYs I should be, but here is my list so far. 
-DIY laundry soap (saves big $$ and only takes 3 cheap ingredients) 
-DIY fabric softener (way less chemicals, also saving $$) 
- DIY food, GARDEN (so far with limited sucess but this one requires skill and experience) 
- Maple Syrup, aka the best decision of my life 
- DIY face wash 
- Obviously, our business is making skin care so lots of DIY soap, lotion, salves etc 
- Homemade cleaners
*excited to try* making popsicles, cause its just juice and fruit, and instead of $4 for a box, I bought the molds at the dollar store and now I can make whatever flavor I want 
The mindset is totally different.  Instead of "Oh no, I'm out of ___ better run to the store and buy it" you think more like "Oh no, I'm out of ____ let me see if there's a homeade alternative with simple ingredients I already have at hand".  Like seriously, with coconut oil, white vinagar, apple cidar vinagar, baking soda, and lavender oil, you can make like 100 things for around the house that you currently buy at the store.]

Just my little DIY rant.  

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love the DIY life. We make a lot of soaps and cleaners (including yoga mat cleaner) and re use aluminum foil for dryer sheets, but mostly it's about food from scratch...grinding oat flour, almond flour, nut butters, making a variety of nut milks, date syrup, lavender syrup chocolate chips, larabars. It's been fun.
