Sunday, April 14, 2013


I was unofficially tagged by Matthew.  I haven't done one of these in a while and since I was tagged a while ago and didn't do it, I am playing this game to redeem myself from the unknown tag fairies.  Don't know if those exist, but you can never be too careful.     

1. Sports Car or Pick-up Truck?
Duh, truck

2. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save?
my dog, and then if I could, my journal 

3. What is your favorite sport?

Not a sport fan, but I do love to figure skate, it's beautiful to watch too.   

4. How often do you use the word "Like"?
Only when I need, and only in an articulate manner 

5.Have you even been out of the country?

6. If so, where?

7. Are you on Facebook?
Yes, and I didn't have to turn in my Baptist card to do it!  

8. Do you have a job?
Uh, yeah, unless you don't count, Farm Coordinator for Amazing Grace Farm, daughter, sister, farmer, writer, chef, and Warrior of El Shaddai as jobs, then no, I suppose I don't  

9. Pizza or Ice Cream?
Pizza, but I do resent this question, these two things aren't even in the same category, 

10. Hunting or Fishing?

I'm useless in either, but in my MIND I love both 

Tagger Question: 11.  What is the best movie you have seen this year (doesn't matter if it is new)?
I've been unimpressed by any new movies I've seen this year, but TV Series wise, I've greatly enjoyed Avatar the Last Airbender and Nikita 

My question: If you could control any of the elements (fire, water, earth, air) which would it be?  

And I'm going to tag Carissa and Paul. :)  
Well, that was fun.       

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