Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Be Inspired

I've been in the process of doing a bit of creative work, getting website palettes, pictures, and text, figuring out a nice setup for our farm table at the market, new soap formulas, new soap names, cottage industry marketing, good stuff.  I've got a few tricks up my sleeve on how to stay inspired.  I can't tell you ALL my secrets because, well, my family is reading this and quite frankly if they knew all my epicness secrets they wouldn't need me anymore ;)

1.  I GET OFF THE PC.  The first step when I'm blocked, my brain and eyes fry under the lights
2. I go outside, rain or shine, God is the one who created creativity so He does good work
3. I use my hands.  Bake, sew, build something, anything to focus my mind or that has a very "set" way  of doing it
4. I listen to new music, emphasis on "new".  Sometimes I whip out a top 40s country playlist, or some hip hop, or on rare occasions some Christian rap or pop.  Any break from the norm
5. I attack a tree with weapon of choice.  Try it
6. I drink tea. And one does not simply "grab" a mug, it is a crucial decision dependent on one's state of mind and body
7. I try to find cool people to hang out with, or more realistically, I go visit the goats, animals are very inspiring 
8.  I paint something, even if it's just on my window or my hand.  Never be afraid to finger paint.
9.  I look at pretty things.  Like fire-candles, camp fires, stove top.   Don't judge, just stare into the next flame you see and tell me it's not beautiful.
10. I let my hair go wild.  Makes me feel like crazy genius, or just genius, or just crazy.

Well, these are some things that help me not only get inspired but, BE inspired.  It's not just about scraping up enough creativity to finish a project, it's about living a creative life.  Sometimes it's hard to focus, sometimes it's hard to think, sometimes it's hard to follow the rules and sometimes it's hard to break them when needed.  Maybe these ideas will help you if you're in a rut, or maybe it was just entertaining for you to read my ramblings.  Either way, it's a win in Victoria world.

Oh and one more crucial thing.  I talk to my animals!  If you don't have any animals nearby talk to your plant or something.  It's not so much as "conversing" with things because that would be crazy, even for me, it's about hearing your thoughts out loud.  Hearing audible words makes things clear and articulate, thus helping your brain be more clear and articulate.  So talking to yourself would work too, if you're secure enough in your sanity that is.  I am.          

1 comment:

  1. You could never be replaced. Who would make us all laugh? I am trying to think of a time when you have to "break" the rules, can't think of any. Must be careful about that.It is a choice of course.
