Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Don't Belong

This post has been in the back of my mind for weeks now and I didn't feel like I should post it yet.  Now I feel like it is the right time so here it is:

Lately I have benn thinking a lot about heaven.  Lately as in I have been mulling over it for months.  My mind has been thinking about it and my heart has been longing for it.  I know that raises red flags to people, even Christians, which confuses me. 

Death, means Heaven, and Heaven means being home.  As in Home home, where I am belong, where I am meant to be, where I won't be burdened with the pain and confusion of this world, but be worshiping and singing at the feet of my Savior.  My time on earth is just a blink compared to the eternity I will spend at Home.  

The thought of Heaven gives me strength.  It encourages me when I get more bad news from the eye doctors, it keeps me sane when my little sister can drive and I can't, it gives me hope when I can't even see the flame on our own gas stove.  Someone once told me as a passing comment that when I get to heaven God would touch my face and then I would see in HD.  That simple statment still makes me cry to think about.  To know that the first thing I see with both whole eyes, is the face of God, makes me incredibly excited. 

I seriously can't wait to get to Heaven, the greatest pleasures I have here are just a taste, a shadow, a fleeting glimpse of the joys of Heaven.    

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