Thursday, January 12, 2012

Don't be Afraid to Fall

So yesterday I went ice skating with my sister and her friend.  It was so much fun!  Many years ago I used to figure skate, but a few moves later, I haven't skated in a couple years.  Well, my feet remembered it right away and I was able to stay vertical.  So there I was skating around not doing any of my more "fancy" moves.  I didn't know if I could still do a spin or a rocking horse so I didn't try.  I mean if I tried and failed, I would fall.  Falling is for beginners.  Falling is for failures.  This is what was going through my little head as I looked around me and saw all the other skaters on the ice.  I noticed that when you are at Public Skate there are 4 types of skaters

1. Newbies: the people that don't really know how to skate and are very instable, could fall at any moment. Both adults and children

2. Show-offs: the people who may or may not be talented skaters, but you can hear them tearing up the ice from a mile away.  They are fast and their demearnor screams: LOOK AT HOW AWESOME I AM

3. Cool Skater: the people who you can tell that skating is second nature to them. But they do not do skate extravagantly, they are good, and they know it, and they don't have to prove it to anyone

4. The Wantta Bes: The people who can skate well, but can't do any awesome moves, but try anyway, usually failing in the process

I fall into the 4th category, but I digress....I was skating along, one part of me wanting to skate for all it's worth, not because I wanted to show off, but because I loved it, and the other part of me not wanting to try because I might look like an idiot in the process.
So I did a little swordfighting.  Eventually, I decided I wanted to try all I culd, because I could, and didn't care what the other people thought of me, actually, during Public Skate, people are falling left and right, nobody notices or really cares.  So I did.  And I fell.  I relived my figure skating days with limited sucess, but I had a heck of a fun time doing it.  And that is really all that matters.

And the really sad part is, after I picked myself up from my first fall, I said to myself "This would make a great blog post!"  The way of a writer mind is very scary.  


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