Monday, December 5, 2011

God Isn't Logical

This has been coming up a lot in my life.  Usually when I keep hearing a message over and over from all different people, I know God is trying in a not so subtle way to tell me something. 
This is usually how the conversation goes.
"God isn't logical Victoria"
"But logic makes the most sense."
"But God doesn't make sense and neither does love"
"I just don't understand that!"
"You're not supposed to understand it, you can't".
"I know!  But I don't understand why I can't understand!"
"Oh, Victoria, you're hopeless" *in the most loving friendly way*

The joke in our family is how I am like Susan from Narnia and how in the movies and books she is very logical and practical. 

With British accent: "Well if you think about it logically...." 

I believe God isn't completely illogical because He is the Creator of logic and placed it in the human mind (in some more than others, sorry, had to add that).  But He isn't held down or boxed in by either logic or emotions or any other outside force, He is just...God.  Yeah, I don't get it.  And as a believer in the sword, I like what is "real", what is logical, what I can wrap my head around.  I like to understand things because sometimes I measure my worth in what I can understand and accomplish.  When I can't figure something out, I feel worthless.  I am so glad Jesus is the One who gives me my worth. 
So the latest struggle is understanding that I can never understand God or His ways, or even His love, and still know that I am made valuable through Him even when my logic fails me. 


  1. Sounds something like a conversation I had with an awesome, kinda blade happy friend of mine the other day....Cue: 2 Corinthians 4:18 and insert most things that are logical. :D

    Are you proud of me for commenting? :)

  2. Wow, interesting, maybe you could introduce me? Sounds like we have a lot in common.....

    Thanks for commenting Stacia your voice is always welcome and kind of hoped for, in the conversation.
