Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm Allergic to Fakeness

Life has been a roller coaster lately, and I don't really like that.  I like consistency.   My dad is having serious medical problems which are causing him to be in the hospital.  My mom is staying with him so me and my sister are home alone.  Normally, this would be fine, I would be content to hold down the fort, but it is hard as we have many "friends" and "family" that all of a sudden want to be part of our lives and help out.  
I am not generally a social or trusting person.  If me and my family are going through some hard times, I don't really want any help, let alone from fake friends.  That is the sword part of me that I know isn't altogether correct, but I am just so bad at this little game of family flattery and false smiles that I am now tangled into.  In my world if you like me then be my friend, if you don't, then don't be my friend.  But all of a sudden I am surrounded by people that say they want to be my friend, but turns out, they don't like me and I have to defend myself against verbal sword thrusts.  As a real friend of mine says "I'm allergic to fakeness", and I agree 100%.

But a good part of all this is seeing how my family holds together when trouble hits.  When one of us is falling the rest of us are here to help.  Each of us has our own part that we are intrusted to carry out.  My sister Emily takes care of the animals.  I make dinner and clean the house while being Mom's secretary.  Mom stays by Dad's side and juggles the insurance and the red tape.  Part of my job is answering the countless questions all our friends and family have over the phone.  I have to admit, I have not answered the phone all the time, there are now 4 new messages on our voice-mail which I need to delete, uh, I mean listen to.  Sometimes people are just too nosy and repeated calls to inquire about how I am doing home alone get under my skin.  If I need help, I'll ask.  There is no need to call twice a day to see if I need anything.

So this post was mostly a vent for me, but maybe you can learn something from it.  When hard times hit, unplug the phone.  That's what I'm doing right after I post this.  


  1. Victoria, I wish I could be there to bring a meal or bless your family in some way. But from a distance, it is my honor to lift prayers to our Heavenly Father on behalf of your Dad, as well as your entire family.

    Mrs. Wood
    I Thessalonians 5:18

  2. Thank you so much Mrs. Wood, that really means a lot.
