Friday, November 25, 2011

Lifestyle Switch

Ok, I'm back to my #1  home. In other words, I am back on my family's farm in New York.

Every time I leave one of my homes to go to the other, it is a huge lifestyle change.  When I leave the farm to go live with GOV, I miss my family horribly and take about a week to adjust.  It is the same when I go back to NY from being with GOV, I miss my dear friends and co-workers and my traveling adventures with them.  My habits, my surroundings, the faces around me, my responsibilities, even the clothes I wear, are different in both places.  Just for fun, I was thinking the other day of my schedule difference in the two places.  So I wrote out an average day in both my homes.  So instead of writing about something theological, I decided to write it here.

NY-Home #1:
8:00 am: wake up, start day
9:00 : tidy up room, clean kitchen
10:00 : clean while listening to audiobooks
12:00 pm : eat lunch, clean up from lunch
1:00 : sketch/paint
2:00 : work on computer for GOV
4:30 : play piano, work on music
5:15 : start on dinner
6:30 : eat dinner
7:15 : clean up from dinner
7:45 : hang out with family and relax / sketch
9:30 : go to bed, listen to books/read
11:00 : Zzzzz

CO-Home #2:
7-8:00 am: wake up, do private devotionals
8:00 : make breakfast and eat breakfast
9:00 : team worship/devotionals followed by team meeting
10:00  : start working on computer-write/edit blog posts
12:30 pm : make/eat lunch
1:00 : clean up kitchen
1:30 : clean houses with Megan
5:00 : help make dinner
8:00 : eat dinner
8:30 : clean up from dinner
9:15 : make tea, then watch movie or read or sketch
10-midnight : Zzzzz

So, as you can see, my schedules are very different in both places.  I really don't like change and am a creature of habit.  When I am tossed off balance by new surroundings, it is easy for me to wish I was someplace other than were I am.  But I was reading this verse a little a while ago while I was dreading the lifestyle switch:

  Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Philippians 4:11 

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