Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nothing Like a Swordfight in the Morning

This morning I woke up and my mind was in turmoil. I got out of bed and went upstairs to the kitchen and made myself some tea, by the time it was ready I was dangerously close to going back to bed and throwing the covers over my head, just so I didn't have to face the day. I sat down to drink my tea and while I did my mind was filled with rushing thoughts, all negative ones. I was filled with an overwhelming sense that I wanted to go home and not leave my farm ever again. I have never felt this much anguish so early in the day, it was scary and I felt helpless to do anything about it.

So I started to get ready for the day and while I did, I realized that I was under attack. Seriously under attack. I had never had such a fierce battle so early in the morning! I mean, I had been barely conscious for 20 minutes. The enemy was whispering lies into my heart and I was listening and letting it soak in. Fail! As soon as I realized this I made a conscious decision to sword fight the enemy right then and there. I prayed to Christ my Savior, and asked Him for help to destroy the lies that I had bought hook, line, and sink this morning. As soon as I could I grabbed my sword (aka Bible) and read like there was no tomorrow.

Looking back on this time earlier today I realize what danger I was really in. Satan could have ruined my whole day and maybe even more if I hadn't remembered to sword fight with all I had before I compromised my position even more. Thank you Lord for rescuing me!

Moral of the story? There's nothing quite like a sword fight in the morning. Ok, there's more of a moral than that, but putting it in a neat little sentence just sounds way more epic.



  1. Aye, sword fighting the enemy can be a daily battle that we must fight. I personally have seen this and how God can work through it to make the person stronger in their Faith if they look towards Him. I'll be praying for you.


    P.S. I like the epic sentence also.

  2. Thanks Matt! Yeah, swordfighting=exercise=stronger. Hmmm, I like that metaphor....

  3. I see a blog post in the making...
