Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Let Go

So, I went rock climbing months ago, and I just felt led to write about it a few days ago. Fact.

I went rock climbing again yesterday. Fact

Ok, I was invited to go climbing at Red Rock Canyon yesterday. I went and had a blast. The climb was waaaaay harder than at an indoor gym, in the beginning I though I wasn't going to make it up at all. Turns out, the first few steps were the hardest part of the climb, with no handholds or footholds, just shallow ripples in the rock. After that it was much better. And the view at the top? Wow. I spent almost 5 minutes at the top, gazing around. The sky deep blue and cloudless, contrasted with the bright red cliffs is such away that the colors dazzled your eyes at first. Just seeing that landscape made all the hard work of getting to the top worth it. And when it was time to come down. I let go of the rock with ease and walked so calmly down the face, I could have sipped coffee while I did it.

Go ahead, create a spiritual lesson for yourself with that story. I'm not going to anyways, I am still stuck on that amazing view.


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