Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Epic, Rambling Poem

An epic, rambling poem for everyone. Don't ask.

Rumbling thunder, a distant storm
Suddenly isn’t distant anymore
Flashes of light in the dark, a stinging rain
Dark forms in the night, the enemy at hand

Tormented by fear, afraid of the fight
The decision remains
To take up the sword and banner
Or surrender, give up ground

A spark ignites in the ashes cold
Furrow the brow, steel the heart
Rise, take a stand in the freezing rain
Attack with rushing indignation

The battle ensues, block and parry
Give and receive wounds
Pain and promise fuse in one
Dawn is breaking, the storm is passing

Golden shafts pierce rosy sky
A raw battle cry and the foe is slain
Drop the sword, the battle is done
With blood, tears, courage, and a true heart

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