Thursday, September 29, 2011

Beauty from God

I did something completely subnormal for me today. I went to a Mary Kay meeting and got a facial. Yes, that's right, sword girl, actually went into Pink World of her own free will. True, it was either that or stay in a business meeting for another 2 hours, but still I did go voluntarily. And here's the shocker.....wait for it.....I actually enjoyed myself.

I went to this facial with two very godly woman whom I respect so very much. One of them is a Mary Kay Consultant, so on the long drive to the meeting I asked her,
"Why do we wear makeup?"

To me, I had always steered clear of makeup because, I though, you wore makeup to look nice, and you look nice to draw attention to yourself, and drawing attention to yourself meant you were trying to catch a guy or something.

This very good friend of mine explained that all woman want to look beautiful, and that this is a God given trait. We love beauty, we each have our own sense of beauty, and we want to reflect that beauty in ourselves. We each do that in a unique way, whether it is by putting on lipstick or belting on a dagger. We wear makeup mostly for ourselves, so we feel we look beautiful. Not to draw selfish attention for ourselves. If we want to look beautiful to draw that kind of attention, that is a different heart attitude that is not a godly one.

I was still mulling this over when we arrived, and I started the "steps" in the facial routine, which included foundation and lip gloss. By the time it was over, my skin felt so soft and my skin tone was even from the foundation. My lips were a copper color with sparkles in it. I actually felt happy, and I hated myself for it. I was made happy by putting paste on my face!

I expressed my feelings on the way home and my friend told me, "If it was good, every good thing is from God, so God actually gave you makeup".

That made sense to me. I have just never heard it put that way before. I always thought making yourself look pretty by smoothing your skin tone was shallow and vain. It is actually accepting a blessing from God.

I will be chewing on this one for a while, but thought I'd mention it here, since it is a "roseish"topic.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Philippians 4:8



  1. Hello, Victoria. I've been reading your blog for a while now, and so far it's been good. But I strongly disagree with what your friend said.
    As in, very, very strongly disagree.
    Just because it makes you FEEL good, doesn't mean it IS good. There is a huge difference. The Bible says that every good and perfect gift is from GOD. It does not say that just because it makes you feel good it is from GOD.
    Sinning can make you feel good. Gettin drunk can make you feel good. Most sin makes you feel good, but it is not good. There is a difference.
    I really have enjoyed reading your blog lately, and it's given me a lot to think about.

  2. Thank you for your response Caiti. I looked up James 1:17 and I think you are very right. Sin does make you feel good, for the moment any way. Gifts from God, can also make us feel good, but I see what you are saying. I try to be discerning in my blog posts, but I sometimes screw up, so thank you for bringing to my attention.
