Saturday, March 8, 2014

What Makes a Man Great?

     Someone told me the other day, that I wasn't destined for solitude, I was destined for greatness.  I told this person that there could be greatness even in the little everyday things.  

That got me thinking, who decides what is success and what is failure?  Who decides one thing is more impressive than another?  There are so many opinions and standards, but I only care about one, and I was doubting if greatness is something we should biblically strive for. Don't get me wrong, there were many great men and woman in the Bible, but I don't know if what we call great is what God calls great.  Maybe they didn't know how important they really were, and weren't supposed to know.  All too often, we gauge things by the world's standards, by things that are tangible, only results we can see; career, and why is career so important?  Well so you can have money and live comfortably of course!  Even in Christianity, we raise certain lifestyles as more "great" for the Lord than others.  Like say a missionary to Africa is obviously doing more for the Lord than a pencil pusher who lives in the suburbs.  This doesn't seem right to me

And yeah, this is coming from a twenty something still living at home with her parents, milking goats on a farm.  According to the world, I'm a failure and I could just be trying to justify my unsuccessful self.  Or maybe not, the truth could be the truth no matter what mouth it comes from.  It may seem convenient for me, but it's not, it would have been SO much easier to just go to college because that's just what everyone does, and follow the American dream.  I chose this life, it may not seem that amazing, even to me sometimes, but I need to keep reminding myself that greatness isn't always what it seems.  

I've been asking these questions, and I'm asking them here, even though I don't have the answers yet.  But one thing I do know, I am sick of how we use twisted measuring sticks to decide what jobs are important and which jobs aren't.  I'm frustrated by how we gauge results, success, failure, the no bodies from the somebodies.  I'm going to start chucking out old ways of thinking ingrained into me  and try to start seeing things through God's eyes.   

I'll let you know how it goes.    

1 comment:

  1. The truth SHOULD be the truth no matter what mouth it comes from, but opinions are always opinionated no matter whose mouth it comes from. Everyone judges and forms opinions based on their own experiences and understanding - hence why to you college is "easier" than living at home milking goats. I hope you don't actually think that by some "wordly" standard you are a failure because so long as you are doing what you believe is right and aren't giving up I don't see how you could be a "failure".

    Tomāto Tomäto
