Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Very Different Valentines Day

I guess I'm not like most girls.  Yesterday was Valentines Day and it was the day after another huge snow storm.  I say another because there's been a few bad ones already.  In places where the layers of snow are untouched since the start of the winter, it comes up above my knees. :SIGH:
Anyways, yesterday, right, so the snow had finally stopped accumulating and it was time to start shoveling.  I had totally forgotten it was even the fake holiday, but a song reminded me as I was heaving wet snow.  I was clearing the gates so they can open properly, so we can get through them carrying food and water to the animals.  I smirked to myself, thinking how there are probably so many depressed 20 somethings wishing with all their hearts for someone to love them.  I realized I had a wish too.  A desire that went deep down into my heart.

I wished that all the gates were already cleared with a nice wide path to and from the chicken coop.

Alas, you can't force love anymore than you can force a gate open when 2 feet of snow are blocking the way.

Once we were freed from our cold white prison, I went to the hair salon and watched the hair stylist cut off my braid at the nape of my neck.  One hour later I was looking even more like a certain short Tolkien created race. Or a hobo.  Or as Amanda says, a fairy.  Either way, I love my new short hair.  And after 20 years of a Merida worthy mop of curls, it's nice to have a change.

But the highlight of the day was most definitely the Singles Awesomeness Party I held that night.  Named and planned by yours truly, Emily tells me it can't be called a party because there was only one person invited.  Why would I have a party and invite lots of people?  Yuck.  Amanda and I make a heck of a party just the two of us.  We spent the night dipping things in melted chocolate, talking about how God was changing us, watching anime, and practicing our epic piano/flute duo.  I seriously could not have asked for a better night.  I remember feeling a little sad last year for Valentine's Day.  No one likes to be lonely, so why be?  Being alone is a choice, being joyful is a choice and this year I chose right.  I just thank God for blessing me with people, not the people I chose, or particularly wanted at first, but the ones that are right for me.

I hope your Valentine's Day was as happy as mine.  But if it wasn't, at least the whole single's awareness thing day is over right?                

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet, Victoria. I like this post. Glad you had a good Valentine's Day. I went to a party at preschool and played with my cats so hats off to the non-traditional V-Day celebrations. Perfectly loved.
