Thursday, January 30, 2014

So There's This Thing I'm Learning...

About a month ago, someone, (not mentioning any names) got me hooked on Skillet and other such bands.  Ok, so I'm not usually the heavy rock type, raspy voices and loud electric guitar aren't really my thing, but right now, it's really fitting my mood, it's like battle music.  And speaking of battles, I have some exciting news, well, it's exciting to me, it actually doesn't affect you at all, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

The place where I learn mixed martial arts, got in some protective gear, so now we're training full contact.  I've only been going here since November, so I didn't feel ready, physically or mentally to actually fight anyone.  Forms are one thing, kicking the pads is one thing, actually fighting something that fights back, nah ah.  I was going to refuse participation but after a little encouragement from my classmates, I "went live" with my instructor.  Thank the Lord for helmets and face guards because my blocks are NOT as good as I thought.  And I thought I had the whole "keep your hands UP" thing understood, turns out not so much....Some people I talk to don't think you should learn full contact with gear because it's too "soft".  Well kudos to you if you want to spar and have your face broken, but I need this face to catch a husband someday thank you very much.  
So I'm sparring, and I'm realizing I'm super short, like me at a grand total of 4' 11.5" couldn't hook a guy 6 feet tall in the temple if my life depended on it.  And trying to do a sleeper hold, forget about it, unless I jumped onto his back....hmmmm.  Anyways, I've sparred a few times since them, I've been told I have a tendency to get a little wild, but I don't really remember much, but let's just say I'm anything but a prodigy in MMA, and that I may or may not pass the upcoming belt test.  I have fun anyways, and learn so much from it.  I could even be starting to get attached to the annoying little kids in class who all want to tell me all about their day, for no reason whatsoever, as soon as I get there.
So wasn't that a funny? Yeah, there's no deeper life lesson or anything, just me telling you about this new thing I like to do, that I'm not very good at yet, but still love learning.  You know our walk with God is a lot like that.....
Just kidding!

The End

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