Thursday, December 5, 2013

Melt a Frozen Heart

  The last month I've been a complete movie junkie.  It seems every week I
m at the movies seeing a new release.  I mean, seriously, there's been some awesome stuff all right in a row, Thor: Dark World, Catching Fire, and now Disney's Frozen.  
   I had to go see Frozen because, one, Emily really wanted to and I'm still on the lookout for her Disney princess, and two because I love animated kids movies.  I was certainly not disappointed with this one.  In fact I liked it even more than Brave, which is really saying something.

    Disney movies are predictable, they always involve a black and white good guy bad guy plot, a prince, and a sidekick for quips and comic relief.  And that's why I liked Brave, no charming Prince and no one dimensional villains.  Frozen was in that same line and I was so very happy with it.  And unlike Brave which is kind of selfish in it's themes, Frozen takes a more mature look at a coming of age tale.  Things like honest relationships (romantic and otherwise), sacrifice, strained real life family, and the difficulty of loving the unlovable, show their beautiful faces in this supposed kids film.  The plot twist at the end which amazingly didn't involve a kiss from a guy to break a curse was so refreshing.  The movie states that only true love can melt a frozen heart, and that is so true.  True love comes in many forms that aren't usually glamorized by Disney, such as the unbreakable love between sisters and friends.

"I don't think I know what love is", says Anna when she find out the man she thought she loved was not who he seemed to be.
"Love is putting others before yourself," is the wise explanation she's given.  Anna does, she loves and loves despite the cold, despite the walls and the doors slammed in her face, until it almost kills her. Elsa has to put aside her fear, and then her attitude of "I may be alone, but at least I'm free" in order to embrace her sister's affection.  Spoiler alert, she does, and they all live (slightly unrealistically) happily ever after.  But that's what makes it Disney and not real life, but I have to say, despite the goofy moose and talking snowman, this movie hashes up something more real than anything I've seen in a while.    

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