Saturday, November 2, 2013

God Will Heal the Wounds

Right now looking back on my last post, I get shivers.  While writing it I had no idea what was coming, but God did, and it's scary how almost prophetic it was.  Despite my familiar attitude toward death, I had never lost someone I'd loved.  I've been to lots of funerals, funerals for old relatives I never really knew.  

A week from now I'm going to a funeral for someone I love.  And it hurts like nothing else.  

 My cousin, William was a good friend.  He would always come up and visit us a few times a year to help out with the farm and hang out with us.  He was the kind of person I would call "happy-go-lucky", this kid would give you the shirt off his back and then joke about it.  Even if he wasn't visiting, he would text me all the time, just to say "hey".  In fact, he would message me just to say "Hi!" so much, I would get annoyed.  My way has always been tough love and he understood that, I just wish I had appreciated those messages a little bit more.  Forever is a long time to go without ever getting one from him again.  

William was only 19, but he has left behind a powerful legacy.  He had a heart full of love and spread it around to everyone, he was so free with it.  I've never met anyone who worked so hard with such little complaint or who played Uno attack with such concentration. He wanted to teach me to weld so I could make my own weapons.  He was designing the ultimate sword for me, perfect for my size with stylized hilt and pommel to look like roses.  We made plans to go to the Ren Fair next fall.  He was coming up in just a couple weeks for a Thanksgiving visit.   

It's funny how all that can change in a few seconds.  One day, you're talking on Facebook, the next you find out he was hit head on by a car as he was walking down the road.  Actually it's not funny, it just sucks.  God can heal all wounds, and I'm sure this one is no different, all I can do is wait and pray, and keep moving on because really that's all I can do.  





  1. That is pretty crazy about how "almost prophetic" your last blog post was... praying for you, little sister.

  2. Victoria, we are so sorry for your loss...we will be praying for you and your family.
