Monday, November 18, 2013

Don't Be a Hero

"I am the hero of my own story.  I don't need to be saved".  -Random Inspirational quote on the internet

Oh how my flesh wants to say that so much.  The trouble with balancing the rose and the sword is that you sometimes see yourself as the heroine in your life.  Day to day bad guys and conflict and there you are like the girl in the novel that saves the day.  Except sometimes you can't save the day, you can't save other people, and you can't even save yourself.

And that's where the gospel comes in and informs you your stirring story is in fact a fantasy.  You are not the hero of this story at all, in fact you may even be the villain and Lord knows you need to be saved from yourself.  At that point you could cling to your pride, wave your sword around wildly and stab yourself in the foot or you could just be humble, shut up, and let God.

If only it were that simple, oh wait, it is.
That's the beauty of the Christian life.  It's definitely tough, but not because we have to be unyieldingly strong, but because we have to admit that we're weak.   Not because we have to be legendary heroes, but because we have to be willing to be forgotten.

It does make me give an internal sigh of relief as I preach the gospel to myself and am reminded to stop trying to be a heroine and trust God to be strong enough to save my day, and my week, and my life.  Here's a new inspirational quote I should make and post all over Pinterest.

"I don't need to be the hero of my own story, because He knew I needed to be saved"    

Excuse me while I go find a random artsy photo to put in the background of said quote.  

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