Wednesday, September 18, 2013

To Be Satisfied

I'm begging You, help me see, You're all I want, Your all I need, satisfy me Lord.

The words from a Tenth Avenue North song, the words leaving my lips couldn't be truer for me.

I admire the people the people who can say truthfully "God is all I need".  It's always been a struggle for me to grasp hold of that simple truth.  Sometimes I have more of a hold on it than others.  I want to be satisfied with Jesus everyday, all day, I want it to be the one thing I want.
But then I want other things.
I want more financial stability
I want to be loved
I want to be pretty
I want to be able to drive
I want to repaint my room because the shade of blue I picked turned out to be a flop
I want all my eggs in the incubator to hatch
I just want to be able to go to sleep like a normal person

The list could go on.  It ranges from the deep soulful longing, to practical everyday, to fun unpractical life glitter.
That's why I beg to be satisfied with Christ, constantly, not just sometimes.

Hallelujah, I have found Him, whom my soul so long has craved
Jesus satisfies my longings, through His blood I now am saved  

I can sing this wholeheartedly because I feel like if I turn that hymn into a prayer it will be true one day.  I can start today, I can start right now, and even if I stray I can start again, and again, and again until all that's left after the sifting is Jesus and He is truly all I ever wanted.  


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