Thursday, September 12, 2013

Love That Does Not Let Go

Life has been chugging along for me.  The heat of summer has faded, but the humidity lingers particularly in beautiful rain and thunderstorms.  I could swear some trees are starting to change color. Amazing Grace Farm is running it's table at 3 different farmers markets and soon, in October we will end for the year with the grand finale at the Warwick Apple Fest which is a huge huge event.  Emily and I are taking a combat fitness class which I love and she mostly tolerates.  I mean, what better way to spend your Wednesday night than learning how get out of a choker hold?

I've been learning and doing some new things too, among them how to clean and skin a squirrel (seriously they are tasty!), making candles, and perfecting the making of homemade pie crust.  In my near future my goals are hide tanning (I've been kicking myself since I threw that perfectly good squirrel skin away!) and buying my own flour mill so I can make Ezekiel bread.  Laugh if you want, but when America shuts down and stores are emptied by hysterical mobs (which will eventually happen BTW) my skills will come in handy.  Seriously, a lot of people turn their nose up at roasted squirrel now, but let's see how everyone feels about it in a survival situation.

So, while I'm doing all these things I either listen to my audio book or I listen to hymns contemporary bluegrass style.  I came across a hymn I'd never heard before and I had to stop and rewind it a few times because the wording was more difficult than a regular hymn.  It's now a new favorite.  

O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

O love that wilt not let me go
I rest my weary soul in Thee
I give Thee back the life I owe
And in Thy ocean depths it's flow
May richer fuller be

O joy that seekest me through pain
I can not close my heart to Thee
I trace the rainbow through the rain
And feel the promise is not vain
That mourn shall tearless be

Even when I'm just living my life, doing and doing and doing, His love never lets me go.  These are my two favorite verses, I especially like the bottom one.  I like how it portrays Joy as a living thing actively trying to work it's way through sorrow and also, it being something I can't refuse.  Not sure how I feel about that second part, let's just say I'm still mulling on it.

Well, that's what life has been like lately, God is faithful and things go on.  And on that note I should mention a year ago was my first day at J127, I'm only reminded of that because I read a fellow students blog and she did a post on it.  I then indulged in a couple sentimental moments, but then like I said, things go on.

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