Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Work Weekend

Spent an awesome long weekend up at the Mission for the bi-annual Extreme Makeover work weekend.  Someone was right to call it a family reunion, because it basically is, sure we're not really related but there's something about brother's and sisters in Christ coming together and putting in some blood and sweat to further God's kingdom that just forms bonds.

The Mission, in case you didn't know, is a run down Catholic Seminary College that's now owned by a Christian Church, the key phrase there is "run down", but every work weekend the place gets a little less run down.  Of course it's not all sparkly friendships and glamorous times, quite often you're assigned to a team you don't want to be in, with some people maybe you're not that fond of and maybe doing work that's a super pain in the rear.  But that's life, and God always uses it to refine you just a little bit more.  Usually I hit a wall at about Saturday afternoon when it seems like the assigned job is never going to get completed, I can't stand the smell of myself, and everyone seems to be incompetent (except me of course).  The right tunes and lots of prayer always seem to fix things right up thought.

This time I actually took pictures!
Getting read to start cutting in the hallway we were assigned to paint.  See?  People are still smiling, at this point.  
Our hall, walls and ceiling, was blue, and if you know anything about painting you know blue is like the hardest color to cover, oh, and the new color was off white, so yeah, 1 coat of primer and 3 coats of paint later, the blue had finally disappeared.
Remnants of J127 remain throughout the Mission, this was on the back of my bathroom door.  Obviously we were very dedicated to memorizing our weekly Bible verses. 
Some of the crew taking a nap before worship, it was a long first day.  
At the end of day one, some of us spent some time at the punching bag, Punching bags are for climbing right?  
Stacia taking after her Disney princess and climbing the pillar.  
Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooon!  
Seriously, I felt like Mulan up there   
Some of the guys taking down some brick pillars outside
It just wouldn't come down, so Byron is contemplating the deep issues of life atop the suspended concrete slab.    
Midday hooliganism, the kids decided to gang up on Tim.  
Tim taking shelter with Andrew.  Stacia just doesn't know what's going on with these nutbars.  
There may or may not have been a drumstick eating contest. I ate a total of 0 drumsticks, I think the high score was held by Kaitlyn, pictured above, who ate 11.  Though the counting did get a little mixed up towards the end so I can't say for sure.  
Byron doing I don't know what after eating so much chicken.  
There's always a group picture so this is me taking a picture of Abby who's taking the picture.

The End 


  1. LOVE IT VICTORIA! This is a great account of the weekend and you have nice pics to go along with it. Dad and I also had so much fun.

  2. Looks like lots of fun. :D I wish I could've been there... Oh well. Maybe next time. Thanks for the pictures
