Thursday, June 20, 2013

Making New Memories

My trip to Boston was a blast, my favorite day being Thursday when we went to the beach and hung out in downtown Plymouth and I got to show my friend all my old favorite spots.  It was slightly weird coming back as a "tourist", but it's not like I have one of those New York accents so I was able to slip right back into things.

 In the days that followed, we went to the New England Aquarium which was entertaining, though, I was hoping for some more hands on stuff (can SOMEONE let me feed a seal?) but I did enjoy watching the rainbow colored fish.  I later discussed with Amanda which fish we would each be and why.  I'm really attracted to jellyfish, they have a beautiful movement in the water, maybe I would be a jellyfish.

We did a lot of sight seeing.  I'm not a big fan of historical stuff.  It's just not my thing but we were in Massachusetts where there's a statue to commemorate something every 2 yards.  I have lot's of picture of those statues which I won't post because I only took them so I didn't look like the only one who didn't care in the crowd that surrounded each one.  Didn't want to get tar and feathered for being unpatriotic or anything.
The concert was interesting.  I liked some of the music, I don't think I'd pay to go see them again, but I did find some new music to listen to when I want to go country.  The people watching was almost as entertaining as the show.  If I had a nickel for every cowboy boot/cut off shorts/cowboy hat combo I saw, I'd be rich right now. I have no pics because the lighting was bad and we were faaaaar away, like really far so that the performers were as big as my pinky finger, thank the good Lord for those TV screens that were strategically placed near us.
At this point in my life, I feel like I can room with anyone.  Amanda was no exception, especially since we lived in the same "house" in Honduras.  That was actually the theme for the entire trip "We've Survived Honduras Together, We can Survive Anything", it was a running joke.  Find out that our hotel was kinda cruddy and sketch?  It's Ok, we survived Honduras.  Eating the leftovers from one meal three nights in a row to save money?  It's fine, we did it in Honduras.  Get lost in Boston and not sure which subway to take?  Its not that bad, remember Honduras?  It always kept us laughing and in the right perspective even when we were tired or hot or wet from rain.
Driving back we made a few stops because, well, why not?  We had the whole day and it takes only 4 hours to get to my house.  So we went to the Springfield Armory, it was the one historical sight I was actually interested it. I mean, can you see why?
After this, I thought we were heading home, but Amanda was behind the wheel and she was going to a place where SHE wanted to go, The Cat and the Hat Memorial.  Like the Dr Seuss guy?  I never really liked him so I may have put up a fuss, but we had after all, gone to the armory which was primarily my thing. But surprisingly the garden dedicated to the crazy guy's legacy was actually really fun, mainly because there was a house made out of saplings lashed together.
  Yes, it's real!  Seriously, the dude who created this should be knighted or something.  My standards for how my future house is going to look just went up like 500 notches.  After Amanda dragged me out of the twig house we headed home.

Good stuff.  I'm so grateful for my time with Amanda, I was glad for a little break to a place I love so much.  There were lots of memories there for me and Amanda was a good sport about listening to them as I rattled on.  I resisted however from going to visit my old long time home and pond.  I knew I was supposed to make new memories on this trip and not get all introspective with old ones.  Mission accomplished.    

1 comment:

  1. That house is epic!!! (And so are the swords.) But wow, what a lot of work must have gone into that branch house thing!

    Glad you had fun! :)

    (And a side note: I really, really wish I could go to the Mission next week, but alas... unless something that I'm not expecting happens, I won't make it. :()
