Saturday, June 22, 2013

Renji and Other Happenings

A few good things have happened this week.
I finally got my kitty!  It was a struggle to get the appropriate confirmation from the authorities, but it happened.  I headed to Agway to pick out a kitten when my old boss greeted me at the door.
"I was going to call you.  You still looking for a cat?"
"Yeah, I came in today to see what you had for adoption."
"The kitten in the back, in the cage by itself, When it came in a week ago I thought he'd be perfect for you."
"He's got eye problems, may even end up blind, I thought you might like to have him."
Turns out I did.  Mom and I made an appointment to take nameless to the vet the next day.  He had ulcers on his eyes from entropion, curled eyelids which is a painful condition fixed only by surgery. .  With a neuter, the operation was going to be $500.  I had already made an agreement with my old boss that if the cat was going to cost hundreds of dollars to fix I could bring him back.  I took the cat home after the vet because we were in the middle of a storm, but I felt sure that the next day I would be bringing nameless back to Agway.
But Mom made some calls to other vets and we found a place much cheaper and made an appointment for nameless because SOME of us had gotten attached in the 24 hours we owned him (I am completely innocent of this).  Nameless now has a name: Renji and he's here to stay, he's actually at the vet now having his surgery done, but even when his eyes were bad and barely ever opened he was so full of spirit (and mischief).  I liked that.  The vet says he's going to be extra ordinarily huge for a cat.

Renji with his first caught mouse.
  Hey, I thought it was a cute pun.

Another fun thing is we made ice cream from our goat's milk this week.  It was so good!  And by "so good" I mean when you had a bite you got the same feeling as when Simba climbs Pride Rock, Eowyn kills the Witch King, and Lucy steps from a wardrobe into Narnia, also you have a general sensation that unicorns are jumping over a rainbow somewhere.  That's my description and if /when we get legal and can sell this stuff, that's what's going to be printed on the carton, I'll call it "Magical Ice Cream".  It makes the experience even more tasty when you drizzly the home made (also goat's milk) caramel sauce over it.

I have decided that whenever I complain in my head about milking season and how inconvenient it is, I will immediately have a spoonful of ice cream or a cracker heaped with goat's cheese.  Wish me luck.            

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