Friday, June 7, 2013

It's Friday And It's Raining

And what can you do on such days but bake cookies, do laundry and blog?  Rain on a farm means a lot of things, mud for one and that's not the greatest.  But it also means water and life for more tender grass shoots and the herb garden I planted yesterday (of which I am pathetically proud).  It also means not a lot of outside chores to be done.
This week was what I call "comfortable chaos", crazy but familiar and expected.  Today is recovery day, but I look back on this week and see specific times when God was faithful to provide.  When I get back home from traveling, no matter how long, I always feel a little sad because I hate goodbyes passionately especially with people I care about.  But I wasn't so much this time, and I was satisfied and that was definitely a work of grace.  Monday we headed out to do errands and by a long annoying trail of events we spent hours in an area we nothing to do in, driving around and getting nothing we needed done, actually done.  But we had a great time in the car catching up and listening to awesome tunes.  \
Wednesday, we ran more errands and actually got what we needed, plus, I picked up supplies to start an herb garden for summer cooking.  At the feed store I fell in love with the cutest grey kitten who needed a home.  Upon calling up my dad, he said I couldn't have it, sniff.  After repeated questionings the answer is still no, so today I have bravely made up my mind to get over it.  I hate cats, especially kittens, they stink, they're super ugly and so much work.....
Yesterday was in a class of it's own with Emily and her horse the stars of the show modeling for a professional photography workshop run by some fancy pants photographer lady that get's paid $10,000 a pop just to go "click, click".  Anyways, even though I had nothing to do with it, I was still somehow involved in the giving Memphis multiple baths, helping with jewelry and outfits, and catching a chicken so the city slickers to get instagrams of each other holding it.  Oh and did I mention it was raining?  Cameras and rain don't mix.  Yeah, we certainly made some memories yesterday.

Only thing on the schedule today is someone coming by to pick up the last of the baby goats of the season, that's always a little sad, seeing them all go, but we're always happy we found them good homes where they can live a good life.
Good times, crazy times, happy times, rough times, God is good all the times.        


1 comment:

  1. So enjoy reading your posts Victoria. Glad you are back. And yes, God is always good. I see his work around our daily chaos quite often. I like it.
