Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Faith Isn't A Feeling

It's been a while!  I've been away with limited internet access, so though I've had much to say, I had no way to say it!  Anyways, I had a great time with Generations of Virtue for a little bit of a vaca but it's good to be back.  One awesome thing that happened is that I made new friendships and got to strengthen a couple old ones.  I don't care what people say, time and space put strains on relationships, no matter how well you hit it off face to face.

And now I'm staring at this screen not knowing what to write, not because I have nothing to say but because there is too much to say and it doesn't all go in one nice neat blog post.  And I really like neat blog posts.
So I'll start with my new favorite song and go from there.
This song is so theologically accurate it just makes my heart happy.  It articulates how I've felt for the last couple years and encourages me to keep on keeping on, even when I don't fell like it.  My days of childlike faith and confidence seem far away sometimes.  Like when I was 12 and didn't know much about theology or doctrine, I just loved God as best I could and knew He loved me back, and that was enough, I was happy.  That care-free faith and abandon was replaced somewhere along the way with hesitation and dare I say a bit of cynicism (keep you comments to yourselves!).  Somehow as humans we deduct that feelings are evidence of the facts and that if the emotions aren't there, then the facts must not be valid.
How about no.
Faith is not a feeling.  Even when we don't feel God in our life, doesn't mean that He left.  If anything it's the other way around.  Our Heavenly father may seem so distant but, the truth is the truth, He's here, right now, His Spirit living inside you.  We can rest in knowing that when our heart is empty/sad/listless/fill-in-the-blank God is stronger than our heart.  Our emotions don't determine truth, it's awesome when they're in sync, but truth is truth and sometimes that's all we have to cling too when the days of summer fade away.

That was pretty neat, don't you think?  I also have a question for my readers, I'm thinking about starting a new blog, specifically for recipes, my culinary wins and fails.  I may be a young sword wielding farm girl, but I can work some surprising magic in the kitchen.  Would you guys be interested and would it be helpful?  If not, I'll just keep it to my recipe journal.  

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