Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today is my birthday!  I don't think it's a security fail to tell you my age, I'm 20.  Finally the teenage years are behind me, it's that a relief?  I know I'm relieved, don't really know why because I'm not suddenly more mature today then I was yesterday, but it's just nice not to have to be in that category any more.  Today we're leaving for the Mission work weekend, and will be back Saturday.   

I don't have a lot to say, or any wisdom I want to convey, I'm just letting you know.  I'm not a huge birthday celebrator, I don't usually get all deep and contemplate the past years of life, I don't get teary eyed at the thought of the passage of time.  I find that thanking God for another day and another year works for me.  Heck, I might even write in my journal today.  Maybe after we load up the car and head to where we're going I can get a little introspective, but until then, I keep on keeping on.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday, Victoria! I think 20 is an exciting age as you move from those teen years into some adult numbers :) I become very introspective each birthday as I look back on a year and ask God to teach me how to serve Him more fully in the next. I've wasted many years of my life squandering it away on more earthly endeavors than eternal ones. Each year of my life I become more determined to do less of that and long for the day to hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I pray that the Lord will burn in your heart that same desire to serve Him completely all the days (and years) of your life. I think you're off to a great start!
