Sunday, April 21, 2013

Marriage-A Perspective from a Single-Part 1

I usually steer clear of topics like this, but because I was asked by a fellow blogger to write on it, I will.  For the single male perspective and to see what I'm spinning off of, click here.  I like this article very much because it's real and gives a perspective I don't always hear.  Girls are always talking about love and marriage, but guys seem to be startlingly silent on the topic.

Obviously I've never been married, I haven't even ever been in a romantic relationship, I've never been "in love".  I don't think that disqualifies me from having an opinion of marriage, or even knowing the truth about it.  I watch.  I listen.  And I think Scripture is pretty clear on the subject.  Love is also not a thing exclusive to romance, I have loved in other ways, sometimes deeper ways.  Familial love, brotherly love, and the
love-sorrow of watching unsaved loved ones spit in God's face.  So, let's get started, I feel another long post a comin'.

#1 Christian Marriages Should be Different
We should be setting the standard for happy households.  Christian and non Christian divorce statistics are pretty much neck and neck.  That is shameful.  I'm not saying our marriages should be problem free, or that we never fight, but it should be much less, because we have the knowledge of grace.  We have experienced Agape love, we know we're sinners, we know we're no better than anyone else no matter how good we look on the outside.  This should make it so the world looks at the Christian husband and wife and say "We wish our marriage was like that, I wonder how they're so happy".  Marriage should be a testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives.

#2 Prep Starts Now
Girls, how do you treat your dad?  Guys, how's your relationship with your mom?  It's not exactly the same, but it's good practice.  Now I know what you're saying "But Victoria, my mom/dad drives me crazy!  They don't listen to me/they don't understand me/they have serious issues."  Yeah, like I said practice.  Maybe they aren't doing what's right in God's eyes.  Yup.  At some point your future spouse is going to drive you crazy, be wrong, have serious issues, not understand you, and might even be disobedient to God, it's what us humans are good at.  If you can't honor, love and have grace for your parents and family right now, what makes you think you can do it for another person some day?  You think those warm fuzzy feelings and googoo gaga slop is gonna keep you together? Yeah right.
Another thing just for us girls, if you want to get ready for marriage, resolve your daddy issues, we all have them and you can't rightly love your husband when you're holding baggage from this very important man in your life.  I know it's hard, believe me, and you think it's unrelated, but it isn't, we submit to our fathers as girls and single woman only to submit to our husbands later, it needs to be a smooth transition.

I'm going to wrap up here, I really don't like overly long posts, so to prevent you nodding off during my babbling, I'm breaking this shin dig up into two parts.  In part two I'll be talking about my adept observation that boys and girls are different.  It'll be up tomorrow....probably.

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