Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why Big Kids Still Need Disney

Outside there's a bitter wind a blowing making it way to cold to play or work outside for any long period.  So I made myself a pot of tea and use this one pretty tea up that I have't managed to break yet and listen to my favorite Disney songs.  I'm in a mood to Watch Mulan but alas I do not own her on DVD.  Sniff, I'll have to remedy that soon.  Anyways I was thinking why I love Disney so much when I'm only a few short months away from turning 20.  I'm a big kid, but for some reason Disney movies and songs are still a huge highlight in my life.  Call it immaturity, call eccentricity, but that doesn't change the fact that I haven't grown of it yet, and here is why.

1.  It keeps me from taking myself too seriously.
You know you do it, you late teen/twenty somethings, you take yourselves WAY to seriously.  Things like grades, part time jobs, chores, and negative drama really have no lasting affect on the rest of your life, they truly don't.  Years from now, when you're married and have a family, your GPA is going to be utterly irrelevant.  Just sayin.  Kill the motor dude, just keep swimming (sorry that's Pixar) and listen to Hakuna Matata.

2 It get's me in touch with my inner romantic.
The drama.  The emotion!  The TRIUMPH!  THE EPICNESS!
Simba climbing Pride Rock.  Belle daring to love a Beast.  Mulan staring at her reflection.  Tarzan and Jane with their palms together in the rain.  Merida's impulsive act of rebellion.  Pocahontas leaping off the waterfall.  There's a romantic in me and those animated characters just seem to bring it out.  So just open up and listen to "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" (the one from the movie of course with Simba and Nala singing their own verses).    

3.  It's deeper than it seems.
 It's my therapy, it really is.  When you look past the songs and the antics, those Disney movies are actually pretty deep!  Just think about what's really going on next time you watch one, you'll see.  Those messages and the simple romances touch me in a way that serious grown up movies never seem to do.  Those grown up movies are tainted, always tainted with complex unreality and the silly misconceptions that come with being adult.  There's life truth in those songs, check it out in "Just Around the River Bend".  

4. Hard Life is Easier with a Little Fantasy
A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine called life go down. ;)  Sadness and turmoil is often portrayed in children's shows and most artfully so mostly through song.  But there is always a happy ending.  Always.  Always Always.  Cue "Into the Open Air" or "I'll Try".  

5. They're epic, so there.  
Just listen to "I'll Make a Man out of You" or "Touch the Sky".  Yes, this is a valid reason, if you don't think so then, well, boohoo for you.

There, that's why you need to go right now and watch a Disney movie.  Or if none are available the next best thing is Star Wars.  Everyone needs a little Disney in their life, even grown ups, especially grown ups I dare say.      

1 comment:

  1. So true! I was just noticing that you had posted again, after listening to the waltz from Sleeping Beauty, I believe it is entitled Once Upon A Dream, but if that isn't it, you probably at least recognize it! :)

    I don't know what I would do without Disney, Starwars, or Lord Of The Rings.
