Monday, February 25, 2013

Dress Like a Warrior

I've been contemplating this post for a while, it really has no theological reasoning, or anything useful at all really, this isn't a fashion blog obviously but this is my style, so I thought I'd share.  This is also mostly for women since I try my utmost not to dress like a male warrior.  So, in case you ever go to a Renaissance Fair, or really cool fantasy themed party, here are a few rules of thumb for dressing epicly.  Look epic, feel epic, right?

Two words: earth----tones.  Cream, brown, greens, blues, grey, deep reds, and dusty pinks and lavenders if you like that sort of thing.  I wear a lot of green, it being my favorite color.  Steer clear of bright, primary, and saturated colors.  Fashion sin of all time in my book: hot pink. *shivers*

Go flowy.....peasant tops are in right now, girls, take advantage of it.  Tunics are perfect and also pretty popular right now when coupled with leggings.  Make that look medieval by wearing leather boots and thick belt.  Maybe with a dagger or two.  Those chino pants that look like a skirt when you stand still are an amazing marriage of functionality and femininity.

As mentioned above almost any outfit can become reminiscent of chivalrous days gone past by adding a leather belt.  A fairly inexpensive and automatically epic addition to your wardrobe is a simple waist cincher.  Don't freak, not a corset, but a thick belt thingy that laces in the front.  I found a brown one for 5 dollars at Claire's on accident and bought a much better black one from a nice lady from a Ren Fair last year.

Boots, don't need to explain, if you're female you're already envisioning a pair right now.  There are so many, ideally tall ones are the best, brown of course because sometimes tall black boots can quickly become warrior goth, not a look I'm going for.

Black tee shirts.  Nothing says modern day warrior like a black tee shirt.  If I could wear a black tee shirt everyday I would.

I'm still trying to decide whether jeans make the cut or not, but I can't wear a tunic and leggings everyday and so I wear jeans, but coupled with other clothing pieces (ahem black tee and boots) I consider it my everyday warrior look.

Other Rules
-Wear hair down whenever possible.  Use a hair dagger if you need to have your hair up for fighting.  Braids are classic too.
- rough hammered looking jewelry only, sorry, unless you want to distract your opponents with your shininess.
-leather is your friend
-wear capes, if you can pull it off
-Hoods whenever possible, I love hoods.
-keep it modest, no "Zena the Princess Warrior" baring midriff and other stuff junk Ok? If you respect yourself as a lady knight you don't need that sort of attention.
-arm thyself woman!
-wear a plain satchel./messenger bag instead of a modern purse
-be creative, just found out today that a stretchy black head band folded once looks like a bracer on your wrist.  Use your imagination and watch Lord of the Rings for ideas or just because it's awesome.

Yes, I just did a post on clothes.  I'm trying to decide whether to tell myself "FAIL" or not.  But you know, you don't have to cave to society and wear what everyone else wears.  Don't go with the flow and use the boring stuff in stores, turn it into something unique.  Everyone has their style and even if yours isn't "Celtic warrior" like mine, you should just....rock it.  




  1. This is so you Victoria! Love it. My current outfit: deep gray tights, a denim pencil skirt, coral t shirt under a coordinating button down and a zebra scarf. And toms. So I think I broke all your rules.

  2. As always Kate, you pull off the hipster style like a boss. I mean, zebra and coral and Toms? Only you...

  3. Black and white rose-printed jeans today. I could write the book on hipster chic.
