Wednesday, January 16, 2013

An Expected Journey

 I've been back since Sunday at 2 am. I was pretty much in a semi-comatose state all day so blogging didn't even cross my mind.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I've spent unpacking, thinking, wresting with my electronics trying to get my pictures from point A to point B, getting distracted, etc.  Today I've made myself some tea, put on my leather Honduras hat for inspiration, prayed for the words and now it's blogging time.  Official post

In a hole in a ground, there lived a hobbit, she loved adventures despite the fact that they made her late for dinner, in fact, she had already been on quite a few, but she never really left the Shire into the unknown lands beyond.  One day she embarked on a very expected journey, and this is the tale of it.  

She met with her large party at the airport at 2:30 am (don't worry I won't call you guys dwarfs) and after a very tiring fly through the air on the backs of eagles she made it to where she was going, a very far off land called Honduras.  I'm afraid to say she was shocked at first with her accommodations, no air conditioner in the sweltering heat, a miserably uncomfortable futon to sleep on, and bugs galore.  The little hobbit knew this is where the rubber met the road and that this was the true test of her courage.  She cried out to her King for a fresh supply of it it and then snuggled down into her mosquito net to sleep.  The next day or two have been almost permanently swiped from her memory for self protection reasons, not because Honduras was so horrible, but because of the combination of circumstance related stresses.  Let's just say a lot of wishing for her hobbit hole and praying and dragon slaying went on.  

After that rough patch things went much better for her, though occasionally she was very frightened, or very homesick, or very angry.  She had her orders and she was going to carry them out, and carry them out well no matter the cost.  


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