Sunday, June 3, 2012

Distracting from the Now

On the way home from the NY homeschool conference, my sister and I watched The Incredibles to break up the 4.5 hour drive.  Yeah, it's one of my favorites, of course, animated characters with super powers, saving the world has my name written all over it.  This is my favorite character:
Edna Mode.  And apparently I'm like her, or so I'm told by my family.  She's short, she has glasses and she's eccentric, like me, still deciding if that's a compliment or not from my beloved family.  I like her because she's not afraid to speak her mind and she has a really funny accent.  "Ok", you must be wondering, "what does this have to do with anything rose or sword?  Or anything relevant at all?"  Yeah, well, I'm getting there.  My all time favorite quote from Edna was "Pull yourself together!  Go, confront the problem, fight, WIN!"  It's sort of my battle motto.  This time, when I watched the movie, I picked up another nugget of truth from Edna.  "I never look back darling it distracts from the now."  I like that.  It's so true. 

Yeah, I just posted on a line from a fictional animated character in a children's movie.  It's ok, it's not always this way. 


  1. he-he! love the movie too! violet's mine!

  2. I like this one, from "Kung Fu Panda", said by Master Oogway, "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." How many times do we find ourselves trying to run from something, only to find that God has pushed us right into it? Just look at Jonah! :oD
