Monday, February 4, 2013

I Don't Understand It

Yesterday I walked into the room and my 17 year old sister was sitting at the kitchen table with my grandma look at wedding dresses on her laptop.
"Emily, why are you looking at wedding dresses?"
"Because I feel like it".
"Why not Victoria?"
And then, here comes the horrible part, I pulled up a chair and joined them for a bit.  Then mom came and put in her two cents.  Poor dad came in and was in shock and horror to see all his girls talking about the pricing, fit, and style of wedding dresses.  Mom had to explain that this was perfectly normal.
But why?  Why do girls dream about their wedding even before they have a fiance, or a boyfriend, or a suitor?  Why do little girls talk about the way they want their wedding when they're 5?  I just don't understand it.  What makes our brains and hearts so fixed on it?  Is this a healthy thing?  I'm still looking for a Bible verse that explains this.  I wonder why God made us like that.

No girl seems to be immune, not even the most "love-not-awakened", uninterested, backwoods home schooled girls.  Not even sword wielding, tomboy girls, (though the dreams may look very different from the normal white fluffy sparkly explosions).  It seems so silly and useless to think about something that's so far in the future and only lasts a day.  And I have no answers.  If you do, please fill me in.  Yeah, there's really no point to this post except to ramble about how the sword side of me doesn't understand the rose side of me.   


  1. I do! Sorta... It still confuses me a bit, too. But I think I figured out part of it. (I posted this on FB too, not sure if you saw it.)

    "Awhile ago a few girls and I (16 to 11) were sitting on a trampoline at night, and "somehow" the topic of weddings came up.

    And... As I was sitting there thinking about it, I realized something. I think the reason we talk and think about weddings so much is because deep inside, we (whether we realize it or not) are looking forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb. It is rather bigger than pretty dreses and flowers and rings and brides and grooms... All this is really a small picture of the real love story, the one all the others are - should be - based on."

    1. Wow that's a good point Carissa. I never understood it either. But I never thought of it that way.

  2. Definitely an interesting theory Carissa. Thanks for posting!
