Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why I'm Not a Ninja

         I used to be a big dreamer, almost every night during my teen years I would have vivid stories playing out behind my eyes.  It was always adventure, bombs exploding, arrows whizzing (yes my dream world has arrows and bombs!) and always me doing a triple back flip and taking out the bad guy with my sword.  Now I don't dream as often, but not much other than that has changed.  I can still do back flips and I still save the world from impending doom.  I am a strong hero capable of awesome physical feats along with being beautiful in my medieval princess warrior outfit.
Then I wake up to reality.  I can't do those things, and I don't look that way, and I can't afford that princess warrior outfit.  And then I feel lacking, and discontentment can set in.  I mean, why couldn't God have made me a tall, slender girl with ninja skills?  He could if He wanted to, instead of making me so very ordinary with no outstanding talents and skills.  And now after all these years, I think I am starting to get an inkling of an answer.

If I were the ultimate me, the one in my dream world, would I rely on God?  I know myself well enough to know that I really wouldn't.  If I could take out the bad guys on my own, why would I need God?  Sure I would need Him for my eternal salvation, but what about the everyday? I wouldn't call for His aid like I do now a dozen times a day.  God made me the way I am for a reason, and I have a hunch part of the reason may be that He wants to have a close relationship with me.  If I was a gorgeous ninja princess, I know my pride would be a divider from me anf my Savior.

And the answer could be different for you.  If you were given great physical gifts like strength or beauty God knows you can handle that.  But as for me, I need to be me, or I wouldn't need anyone, not even God.  I need stand in front of my pantry and pray to God to show me where the pasta is because my eyes are too dim to find it myself.  And when I defy all human reason because I did something that, by looking at me, you would never imagine was possible, I can point to Jesus and say He did it for me.  



  1. Thanks for posting, Victoria. It is true, I struggle with wanting "me" to be able to do things... things I can not do. We really do need to realize that we do not need to be able to do all of those things to serve Jesus, He uses us where we are at and He will give the the power to accomplish what He wants!


  2. I struggle with this quite a lot. Why can't I be the "me" in my dreams? Why does GOD give me these dreams if He won't let me be who I am in them? Why can't I have all the powers that I have in my dream world? Thank you for posting this, Victoria. It was just what GOD knew I would need to hear.
