Monday, December 19, 2011

I Hate Hectic Days

It's a good thing I rarely have them, here in NY anyways.  Today was a hectic day which included me going to the eye doctor.  I would insert a emoticom here, but there is really no smilie that portrays how I feel about the eye doctor.  Anyways, I got up at 7 and jumped in the car and didn't stop running until now (7:30 pm).  I have WAY filled my socialization quota, but more than that, this day went by in a flash with no time for me to contemplate or enjoy simple pleasures, only act and react.  I really don't like that.   The more moving pieces I have surrounding me the harder it is for me to tune into God and what He is telling me.  Like a radio with too much static.  I am working on getting that signal stronger, but it is a slow growing process.  It was really sad.  I went out tonight to look at the stars and I couldn't remember if the sky was clear or cloudy during the day.  I hadn't even looked up all day!  I love the sky and now I don't even know if I should be able to see the stars or not.  That is what I call a FAIL.

And now I have a date tonight, a date with my Bible and journal in my room.  A song is in my mind and I need to get it down on paper (thus the journal) and my heart is hungry truth (thus the Bible).
So good night everyone.  Tomorrow is another day, another battle, another adventure, and another chance to smell the roses. 


1 comment:

  1. Victoria,

    I love to look at the cloud formations throughout the day as well as all the colors in the sky. It is a moment in a busy day that I can consider "bigger" things. Matthew called me over to the window just this afternoon to show me the sun setting as he knew how much I would like it. It is very important to stop and smell the roses, so they say.

    I'm enjoying reading your post.
