Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ba Humbug

There have been more than one occasions when I have been accused of being a pessimist and cynical when it comes to the Christmas season.  And to be honest, I feel that way during this season because I can't stand the frenzied consumerism and all the "let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya" talk.  I find it all very contradicting.  I mean, you go to the store and get maced in the face by grandma under the "Peace of Earth" sign.  Just sayin', that seems kinda hypocritical, maybe just a little.

My only saving hope for my lagging Christmas spirit is the gospel.  I keep reminding myself why I even celebrate anything on December 25th.

Though in my defense this past week has been nothing but a whirlwind of constant running, baking, cleaning, baking, cleaning, and mask wearing.  So today I am not participating in any of the above activities.  Though I did pick up all the tinsel ripped off the tree by the kitten and vacuum, I have generally been chillaxing.  My dad and I have a very nice dinner planned for tonight that is easy to prepare and being served Buffet style.  I am considering unplugging the TV after we watch The Nativity and I think I am going to whip out the games.  If things really get miraculous I can convince my word hating family to play Scrabble with me.

Merry Christmas everyone!  Think on sparkling snow and hot cocoa.  Think on family and friends. But most importantly, think on Jesus and what He did for you.

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