Saturday, December 10, 2011

Contemplations of a Rose

       Recently I have been seized with a sudden urge to bake random things.  I have so much free time and Christmas is around the corner so I am very happy to make cookies for a good hunk of the day.  I don’t have much opportunity to play with my swords, since I left them in Colorado, so God has been teaching me some things about being a rose.  I have a little reluctantly sheathed my sword (but never dropped it!) and started dancing the graceful life of a rose for this season.  The life of a warrior is exciting, full of adventure, and that is what my heart longs for, and there are times when I get that, but then there are times when God tells me to leave the battle for a while and work out some things in peace.  So here I am.  Trying to balance grace and strength. 
        I have started looking for beautiful things in everyday life.  Trying to see the gifts God has given me, the ones that I miss, especially when I am engrossed in a battle.  There is always, always something beautiful in a day, sometimes you have to look hard, but there is always something.  Like something small, something so small that you would think nothing about if you weren’t looking.  Like just today I noticed how golden the morning light is as it streaks into my room in hazy shafts.  I just noticed how brilliantly green my cats eyes are when they flash in the sun.  Or how my sisters hair tumbles down her back like a black waterfall.  Or like how much I realized I love a good story, whether it be from a book, or a someone’s mouth, or a movie.  And a couple times this week I got to feel the way a horse moves under me as we are riding down our road. 
I have been using these realizations to keep me content and away from the longing for constant business.  I thank God for His faithfulness to quiet my restless and impatient heart.  I think I may even be becoming an optimist.  Almost, but not quite. 

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