Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Flipped Perspective

So I guess I'm at that age where your friends all start to get married?  It seems too soon, like WAY too soon; I'm only 21, how is this possible?  I really shouldn't be surprised, I mean, my best friend growing up has been married (now with a kid) for over a year now.  I know of 3 or 4 blessed events happening I can think of just off the top of my head.  And I say "blessed event" in a not completely cynical manner.  I'm sincerely happy for them, I would never be upset at someone I know finding love.  I'm just taken aback maybe is the right word. Surprised?  A bit shocked?  Even watching someone else's life change suddenly and drastically makes me cringe I guess.  

I've had this on my mind recently, being completely baffled by the mix of emotions I was feeling, as anything more than one emotion at a time is confusing. I was at my grandparents house, helping my grandma who recently fell and broke her ankle, I was sweeping and she was reading the paper in her wheelchair.  "I got to read the obituaries and see if I recognize anyone" she says.  I asked her how often that actually happened, she replied quite often.  Whenever she sees anyone she knew, even as an acquaintance, she cuts it out and puts it in her Bible.  Thinking there could only be a half dozen, I peeked in her Bible, over 20 faces were tucked into the flap of her Bible cover.  That's alot of dead friends.  

I realized I would much rather have to hear that my friends are getting married.  I'm feeling much more appreciative of that now.  I'm just going to enjoy the ups and downs of being a 20 something now, thank you very much.   

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