Wednesday, October 9, 2013


"You know those things you've always wanted to do?  You should go and do them".

That quote has inspired me lately, because there are always things I want to do.  I have lots of things I need to get done too, but I always seem to get those done one way or another.  I mean, goals, ambitions, skills that I have on a special list of things to do before I die.  I figured now is as good a time as any to do them.  So that's why I've been particularly busy.

I've started realizing that if I'm not happy with something about me or my life, I can actually change it.  If I wish I could confidently walk up to a stranger and pitch my product, well, I can teach myself to do it.  If I wish I was stronger and skilled in hand to hand combat, I can find a teacher and learn. I could even take up underwater basket weaving if that is one of my goals.

Seriously though.

God can satisfy my longings and then if what I want to do is what He wants me to do, I should just go learn to do it.  That means changes and there have been lots of them, in me, my life, the people around me.  Changing, just like leaves on the trees.    

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post, and indeed, accurate. Something I've been realizing lately myself. :)
